All India health care provide all types of Commode Chair on Sales basis in Mumbai, India. We offer Stool Commode Chair with best quality and affordable price for our customer. It is very comfort for use. People who are suffering from severe injuries will find this Indian Style Commode chair as the best toilet. Stool Commode Chairs are often used in the home when the patient is tood debilitated reach to the bathroom. Its enablers a patient to sit comfortably while defecating or urinating.This Stool Commode Chair is Foldable and 100kg weight capacity, These Stool Commode Chair is fix Indian pot and elderly people easy use Indian pot. Elder patient feel comfortable on it. It is specially design to provide comfort and convenience to disabled or aged people.
NOTE:. This Stool Commode Chair only for Sales Propose not for Rental
All India Healthcare provides a wide range of medical equipment for sale or deal making health care more accessible and affordable for you. We are engaged in the field of offering of Commode Chair type commode. We are providing services for Commode Chair Dealer in Mumbai. We offer medical equipment like Commode Chair, Basic Commode chair, Stool Commode Chair, commode wheelchair, Height Adjustable Commode Chairs, commode chairs with wheels,
We are providing for all medical equipment like Hospital Bed, BP Machine, Wheel Chair, Oxygen Cylinder, Oxygen Machine, Commode Chair, Walking Aids, Suction Machine, Air bed, Water Bed, Ventilator, Patient Monitor, Pump equipment, C-PAP machine, BI-PAP machine, Miscellaneous Products.